Something startles me where I thought I was safest;I withdraw from the still woods I loved;I will not go now on the pastures to walk;I…
Author: Samantha Evans
Think Of The Soul By Walt Whitman
Think of the Soul;I swear to you that body of yours gives proportions to your Soul somehow to live in other spheres;I do not know…
Thick-Sprinkled Bunting By Walt Whitman
Thick-sprinkled bunting! Flag of stars!Long yet your road, fateful flag! long yet your road, and lined with bloody death!For the prize I see at issue,…
These, I, Singing In Spring By Walt Whitman
These, I, singing in spring, collect for lovers,(For who but I should understand lovers, and all their sorrow and joy?And who but I should be…
These Carols By Walt Whitman
These Carols, sung to cheer my passage through the world I see,For completion, I dedicate to the Invisible World.
There Was A Child Went Forth By Walt Whitman
There was a child went forth every day;And the first object he look’d upon, that object he became;And that object became part of him for…
The World Below The Brine By Walt Whitman
The world below the brine;Forests at the bottom of the sea the branches and leaves,Sea-lettuce, vast lichens, strange flowers and seeds the thick tangle, the…
The Untold Want By Walt Whitman
The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted,Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
The Torch By Walt Whitman
On my northwest coast in the midst of the night, a fishermen’s group stands watching;Out on the lake, that expands before them, others are spearing…
The Sobbing Of The Bells By Walt Whitman
The sobbing of the bells, the sudden death-news everywhere,The slumberers rouse, the rapport of the People,(Full well they know that message in the darkness,Full well…