Lo! Victress on the peaks!Where thou, with mighty brow, regarding the world,(The world, O Libertad, that vainly conspired against thee;)Out of its countless beleaguering toils,…
Author: Samantha Evans
Lessons By Walt Whitman
There are who teach only the sweet lessons of peace and safety;But I teach lessons of war and death to those I love,That they readily…
Leaves Of Grass. A Carol Of Harvest For 1867 By Walt Whitman
A song of the good green grass!A song no more of the city streets;A song of farms – a song of the soil of fields….
Laws For Creations By Walt Whitman
Laws for Creations,For strong artists and leaders – for fresh broods of teachers, and perfect literats for America,For noble savans, and coming musicians. All must…
Kosmos By Walt Whitman
Who includes diversity, and is Nature,Who is the amplitude of the earth, and the coarseness and sexuality of the earth, and the great charity of…
Joy, Shipmate, Joy! By Walt Whitman
Joy! shipmate – joy!(Pleas’d to my Soul at death I cry;)Our life is closed – our life begins;The long, long anchorage we leave,The ship is…
Italian Music In Dakota By Walt Whitman
Through the soft evening air enwrinding all,Rocks, woods, fort, cannon, pacing sentries, endless wilds,In dulcet streams, in flutes’ and cornets’ notes,Electric, pensive, turbulent artificial,(Yet strangely…
Inscription By Walt Whitman
Small is the theme of the following Chant, yet the greatest – namely,One’s-Self – that wondrous thing a simple, separate person.That, for the use of…
In The New Garden In All The Parts By Walt Whitman
In the new garden, in all the parts,In cities now, modern, I wander,Though the second or third result, or still further, primitive yet,Days, places, indifferent…
In Paths Untrodden By Walt Whitman
In paths untrodden,In the growth by margins of pond-waters,Escaped from the life that exhibits itself,From all the standards hitherto publish’d – from the pleasures, profits,…