Rest, and be thankful! On the verge Of the tall cliff rugged and grey, But whose granite base the breakers surge, And shiver their frothy spray, Outstretched, I gaze…
Valedictory Poem By Adam Lindsay Gordon
Lay me low, my work is done; I am weary. Lay me low, Where the wild flowers woo the sun, Where the balmy breezes blow, Where the butterfly takes…
Unshriven By Adam Lindsay Gordon
Oh! the sun rose on the lea, and the bird sang merrilie, And the steed stood ready harness�d in the hall, And he left his lady�s bower,…
Two Exhortations By Adam Lindsay Gordon
A Shooting-box in the West of Ireland. A Bedchamber. LAURENCE RABY and MELCHIOR. Night. Melchior: Surely in the great beginning God made all things good, and still That…
To My Sister By Adam Lindsay Gordon
Lines written by the late A. L. Gordon On 4th August, 1853, Being three days before he sailed for Australia. Across the trackless seas I go, No matter…
To A Proud Beauty – A Valentine By Adam Lindsay Gordon
Though I have loved you well, I ween, And you, too, fancied me, Your heart hath too divided been A constant heart to be. And like the gay and…
Thora�s Song – (�Ashtaroth�) By Adam Lindsay Gordon
We severed in autumn early, Ere the earth was torn by the plough; The wheat and the oats and the barley Are ripe for the harvest now. We sunder�d…
Thick-headed Thoughts By Adam Lindsay Gordon
No. I I�ve something of the bull-dog in my breed, The spaniel is developed somewhat less; While life is in me I can fight and bleed, But never…
The Three Friends By Adam Lindsay Gordon
The sword slew one in deadly strife; One perish�d by the bowl; The third lies self-slain by the knife; For three the bells may toll, I loved her better…
The Swimmer By Adam Lindsay Gordon
With short, sharp, violent lights made vivid, To southward far as the sight can roam, Only the swirl of the surges livid, The seas that climb and the…