We never know we go, — when we are going We jest and shut the door; Fate following behind us bolts it, And we accost no more.
Tag: America
We Learn In The Retreating By Emily Dickinson
We learn in the retreating How vast an one Was recently among us. A perished sun Endears in the departure How doubly more Than all the golden presence It was before!
We Cover Thee, Sweet Face. By Emily Dickinson
We cover thee, sweet face. Not that we tire of thee, But that thyself fatigue of us; Remember, as thou flee, We follow thee until Thou notice us no more, And…
Water Is Taught By Thirst; By Emily Dickinson
Water is taught by thirst; Land, by the oceans passed; Transport, by throe; Peace, by its battles told; Love, by memorial mould; Birds, by the snow.
Waiting. By Emily Dickinson
I sing to use the waiting, My bonnet but to tie, And shut the door unto my house; No more to do have I, Till, his best step…
Void. By Emily Dickinson
Great streets of silence led away To neighborhoods of pause; Here was no notice, no dissent, No universe, no laws. By clocks ‘t was morning, and for night The…
Victory Comes Late, By Emily Dickinson
Victory comes late, And is held low to freezing lips Too rapt with frost To take it. How sweet it would have tasted, Just a drop! Was God so economical? His table…
Ventures. By Emily Dickinson
Finite to fail, but infinite to venture. For the one ship that struts the shore Many’s the gallant, overwhelmed creature Nodding in navies nevermore.
Vanished. By Emily Dickinson
She died, — this was the way she died; And when her breath was done, Took up her simple wardrobe And started for the sun. Her little figure…
Unwarned. By Emily Dickinson
‘T is sunrise, little maid, hast thou No station in the day? ‘T was not thy wont to hinder so, — Retrieve thine industry. ‘T is noon, my…