
and then after fear of my own ability

I was on the right train

to Vera, To Vera!

I began to get excited

It began to hit me

I was in Berlin to Vera!!

Berlin, Berlin!

No longer seated at a monitor reading

of Burl Ives and thinking of my

crushes who I pretend might know my soul

but far and away to the dreamland

of one who did -Verdad

to Vera! dreamlike-

my mind in disbelief as body tingled

to art-deco rooms for falafel

to coffee in lofts in cafes seated on pillows

to roof top bar with all of Berlin before us

as we sipped beer with another Italian mutual soul

couches, conversations, and casual marijuana

dj edgy chic-pump-retro sounds, disco balls, and rainbows,

beautiful Berlin hipster home.

two mutual souls writing

of the same moment from

two sides in two languages

to be together again.

and again.

To dreams.


** Klunkerkranich is a bar in Berlin. Sammy and Vera reunited in Berlin in October for one night. They went to a bar with their friend Vittoria and decided to write a poem about their day, the same day, at the same time. This is Samantha Emily Evans’ poem.

Read “Klunkerkranich” in Italian.

Or read about Vera’s day in Italian.